Frequently Asked Questions

There is not a simple answer to this question because an applicant’s wait will depend upon the preferences they qualify for, date of their application in addition to availability of subsidy.

The Housing Authority of Henderson does not give out numbers on the waiting list, simply because your position fluctuates as new applicants are added and others are taken off the waiting lists.

No. However, the Housing Authority does give a preference to those persons on the waiting list who are living or working in Henderson.

Persons with disabilities will be housed before single persons under the age of 62

Yes. With proper verification, a veteran, spouse or widow of a veteran, will be granted a preference.

No. Unfortunately, the Housing Authority does not have emergency housing or emergency assistance available. We will refer you to agencies in town that provide emergency shelter and assistance.

Again, unfortunately, the Housing Authority does not operate emergency housing or emergency assistance program. We were established to provide long term affordable rental housing assistance. Additionally, we are required to provide housing assistance to families according to local and federal preferences, and date of application.