Annual Income Re-Exam

Public Housing

A. Re-examination Dates

Lawndale Apartments (Jan/Feb)
Effective Mar 1

Dixon Apartments (Mar/Apr)
Effective May 1

8th & Madison Court (May/June)
Effective Jul 1

Fagan, Dixon & Ingram, North Adams (Jul/Aug)
Effective Sept 1

423 South Ingram 303/305 Fagan Street (Jul/Aug)
Effective Sept 1

840 North Adams (Sept/Oct)
Effective Nov 1

At least annually, the Housing Authority of Henderson will conduct a reexamination of family income and circumstances. The results of the reexamination determine (1) the rent the family will pay, and (2) whether the family is housed in the correct unit size.

The Housing Authority of Henderson will send a notification letter to the family letting it know that it is time for its annual reexamination, giving it the option of selecting either the flat rent or income method. If the family opts to accept the flat rent, a certification letter must be signed. If the family thinks it may want to switch from a flat rent to an income rent, it should request a change. The letter also includes, for those families paying the income method, forms for the family to complete in preparation for the reexamination. The letter tells families who may need to make alternate arrangements due to a disability, that it may contact staff to request an accommodation of their needs. During the appointment, the Housing Authority of Henderson will determine whether family composition may require a transfer to a different bedroom size unit, and if so, the family’s name will be placed on the transfer list.

Failure to Respond
If the family fails to respond to the letter, a second letter will be sent. The second notice will advise of a new date for the re-certification. The letter will also advise that failure by the family to respond will result in the Housing Authority of Henderson taking eviction actions against the family.

Effective Date of Rent Changes for Annual Reexaminations
The new rent will generally be effective upon the anniversary date with a thirty-(30) day notice of any rent increase to the family. If the rent determination is delayed due to a reason beyond the control of the family, then any rent increase will be effective the first of the month after the month in which the family receives a thirty-(30) day notice of the amount. If the new rent is a reduction and the delay is beyond the control of the family, the reduction will be effective as scheduled on the anniversary date. If the family caused the delay, then any increase will be effective on the anniversary date. Any reduction will be effective the first of the month after the rent amount is determined.

Interim Reexaminations
During an interim reexamination, only the information affected by the changes being reported will be reviewed and verified. Families will not be required to report any increased income due to cost of living increases.